SCMR Edition – Issue 90 (1/2025)
The major technical advances outlined in this issue of MAGNETOM Flash tackle the complexity of conventional CMR exams by lowering the bar for achieving high-quality CMR images and by significantly increasing efficiency using acceleration with deep learning AI technology, robust physiological gating with the BioMatrix Beat Sensor, and one-click next-generation automated cardiac MRI exams with AutoMate Cardiac.
Each of these technologies aims to improve the efficiency of CMR exams. Together, they promise to transform CMR into a reliable one-stop tool for cardiovascular imaging – and bring us one step closer to democratizing access to CMR.

RSNA Edition – Issue 89 (4/2024)
This year, the RSNA is about “Building Intelligent Connections” – a theme most suitable for the “intelligent connection” between anatomical and functional MRI and PET molecular imaging. But it is not only about hybrid imaging, balancing high-quality care with operational efficiency by optimizing imaging workflows is also a recurring theme of this edition.

GPR Edition – Issue 88 (3/2024)
This Pediatric Edition of MAGNETOM Flash is presented in conjunction with the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Radiology (GPR). This year's conference motto, “Pediatric Radiology 2024 - As colorful as life,” underscores the diversity and breadth of pediatric radiology. With this edition we offer a comprehensive range of topics, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the field. From cardiovascular and lung MRI, fetal imaging, accelerated pediatric MRI techniques, musculoskeletal imaging, neurological imaging, to pelvic imaging. We invite you to explore this edition.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 87 (2/2024)
What are radiographers, radiologists, clinicians, and most importantly patients hoping to achieve with modern MR imaging? Diagnosis, management, and monitoring of disease have changed over the years. Much of healthcare now centers around personalized, patient-centered precision medicine. This must be matched with a precise and accurate diagnostic approach. New, more efficacious treatments require regular monitoring of treatment response and side-effects by non-invasive imaging methods. Imaging should be of high diagnostic value, but it should also be fast and comfortable for patients, and easy to perform for operators. How do we achieve high spatial resolution, high contrast, high SNR, efficient clinical throughput, a positive patient experience, and reproducible imaging? Many of the articles in this edition address this question and provide imaginative and practical solutions.
Quick links
- Download the acquisition protocol (.exar1) for Temporomandibular Joint MRI with the UltraFlex Large 18 Coil
- Download 3T MAGNETOM Vida protocols (.exar 1) for sedation-free MSK MRI in children
- Download 1.5T MAGNETOM Aera and MAGNETOM Avanto protocols (.exar1) for T1-rho mapping
- Help your little patients lose their fear – with Lottie
- Learn more about magnetic resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
- Check out Compendium Medicine – your clear and accessible overview of medicine

SCMR Edition – Issue 86 (1/2024)
One of the main topics of this issue is 3D whole-heart MRI, which has been one of the remaining challenges of CMR for many years. But you'll also find the latest in MR angiography, the advantages of BioMatrix Beat Sensor triggering in arrhythmic patients and in difficult hearts, non-contrast and sedation-free neonatal feed and wrap cardiac MRI, and much more. This issue also highlights the power of CMR to be the ultimate cardiac imaging technology due to its unique potential to provide a fast comprehensive exam including radiation free assessment of anatomy, function, and tissue characterization in an ever-increasing spectrum of heart diseases.

RSNA Edition – Issue 85 (3/2023)
The motto of this year's RSNA is "Leading through change". In her editorial comment Professor Attenberger takes a look at the bigger picture and the transformation of healthcare. The articles in this issue dig deeper, e.g., into AI-based image reconstruction algorithms like Deep Resolve, into workflow support with 3D Whole Heart, or into ways to achieve standardized high image quality in Neurological MRI.

MAGNETOM Free. Platform special issue
This issue highlights clinical experience in abdominal-, musculoskeletal-, pediatric-, fetal-, cardiovascular-, and interventional MRI. It provides an overview of the image quality from head to heel, and allows a glimpse of the innovative magnet design of the MAGNETOM Free. Platform.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 84 (2/2023)
As guest editor Rod Pettigrew puts it, this edition is testament to the effective collaboration between scientists in academia and industry. From 7T MRI in neuroimaging and MR spectroscopy to lower-field MRI in MSK and fetal imaging; showing the advances in gradient performance and the benefits of advanced software acquisition methodologies and reconstruction.

SCMR Edition – Issue 83 (1/2023)
The theme of the 2023 SCMR is “Changing Global Clinical Practice“, and this issue of MAGNETOM Flash addresses some of the challenges and opportunities of changing global clinical practice in CMRI. In his Editorial Comment, Matthias Stuber points out that major improvements will undoubtedly come from optimized workflow, ease of use, and scan efficiency. Related advancements will critically improve the utilization of CMR. Paired with emerging concepts in telemedicine and low-field MRI, more global dissemination to geographical regions and settings that have not traditionally had access to CMR is imminent.
Quick links
- BioMatrix Beat Sensor – watch the people behind the technology
- Try it on your system. 90-day trial licenses
- Download SCMR recommended protocols
- Artificial Intelligence: Learning About the Future of Cardiovascular MR (K Hammernik, Technical University of Munich & T Küstner, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany)

RSNA Edition – Issue 82 (3/2022)
Guest editors Susie Huang, Bruce Rosen, and Daniel Paech explore the clinical potential of MRI at 7T and stronger gradient fields. You’ll also find a deep dive into different AI solutions along the imaging and processing chain of CMR; as well as high-resolution accelerated prostate imaging with Deep Learning reconstruction. Improving patients’ experience with MRI is addressed as well as access to MRI.

Pediatric Edition – Issue 81 (2/2022)
Children are not small adults – they suffer from different types of disease than adults, they demonstrate a different physiology as well as behavior. This has a direct impact on the way we image them. To support the care of your youngest patients renowned experts in pediatric MR imaging share their experience and their protocols.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 80 (1/2022)
This year’s ISMRM issue of MAGNETOM Flash focuses on advanced neuroimaging – but as Danny Alexander puts it in his Editorial, applications in the brain using the latest hardware and software technologies so often drive forward innovations in MRI that propagate to other platforms and applications. Next to cutting-edge advances on high end platforms you will find examples of clinical capability on the 0.55T MAGNETOM Free platform, how-I-do-it application tips and last but not least prospects for sustainability of MR for future generations.

SCMR 2022 Edition
This issue of MAGNETOM Flash highlights some of the many nuances in CMR today, ranging from imaging strategies and technical tips & tricks, to the diagnostic and prognostic use of CMR in various diseases. It highlights the importance of a team approach and each other’s understanding of planning, acquisition, and interpretation.
Quick links
- Access the movies of Figs. 3 and 4 of Fetal CMR Today and in the Future by Erik Hedström, MD, PhD and Anthony Aletras, PhD
- Read Small Structures Big Challenges: Fetal Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Matthias Stuber et al.
- Download 1.5T or 3T protocol for 3D TOF MOTSA MR Angiography for Visualizing the Arteries of the Face by Marc Mespreuve, MD, Ph.D, et al.
- Download the patient education toolkit in your preferred language
- Listen to the talks presented at the 11th MAGNETOM World Summit

RSNA Edition – Issue 79 (2/2021)
This edition showcases numerous examples how high-performance scanner technologies, advanced acceleration techniques, and artificial intelligence-based image reconstruction can redefine MR imaging. As Dr Jan Fritz points out, scan efficiency is central to the value of MRI. Efficiency is a cornerstone for making MRI more available and accessible worldwide, improving tolerability for patients undergoing MRI scans, limiting degrading motion artifacts on MR images, and augmenting throughput for busy academic institutions and private centers.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 78 (1/2021)
Read about the use of advanced imaging techniques for improving patient throughput; learn more about the application of deep learning and AI to the field of MRI, and on iterative denoising; and find out how system architects work to fit an 80 cm bore into an MR system that fits though regular doors.

SCMR 2021 Edition
This SCMR edition of MAGNETOM Flash provides an overview regarding the emerging role of CMR with more stratified approaches to common clinical cardiology challenges. Better stratification by underlying mechanistic markers – both imaging and blood based – will be the central ingredients to making the next advances in prevention, early detection and treatment of many cardiovascular conditions. CMR and the non-invasive window that it provides into myocardial pathology, without the need for myocardial biopsy, will undoubtedly be a central player in both better diagnosis management of individual patients as well as advances in the field through coordinated stratification and targeting of novel therapies in more efficient and powerful trials.

MAGNETOM Free.Max special issue
This issue looks at all aspects of lower field MRI: the physics, image quality and advanced image reconstruction, the potential for interventions or MRI at the point of care, usability and cost aspects, all the way to innovative magnet design. See how MAGNETOM Free.Max could expand the use and clinical value of MRI.

RSNA Edition - Issue 77 (2/2020)
Human insight / visionary medicine – the RSNA’s motto nicely describes what you will find in this issue: Precision medicine, personalized treatment, advances in Radiomics and many articles focusing on new clinical possibilities and increased productivity.

ISMRM Edition - Issue 76 (1/2020)
Download Editorial Comment by Guest Editor: Siegfried Trattnig (High Field MR Center, Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
From ultra-high-field to low-field MRI, from new acceleration techniques (Wave-CAIPI) to quantification (MR Fingerprinting, LiverLab), standardization (Dot Engines) and artificial intelligence / deep learning (Prostate AI) – this ISMRM edition covers all areas of MR imaging.

SCMR Edition 2020
This edition focuses on the role of CMR in ischemic heart disease, but covers also the hot topic of standardization, and takes a look at interventional cardiovascular MR.

RSNA Edition – Issue 75 (4/2019)
“Artificial intelligence is maturing at a time when the need for health care transformation is enormous. We are faced with spectacular challenges in medicine and specifically in radiology by virtue of our penetrance to every patient and our impact on diagnosis, patient disposition, intervention, and costs. This nexus is manifest through AI enhancements along key vectors of innovation acquisition, diagnostics, and operations that are evident throughout this volume” states Dr. DeLano in his Editorial.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 74 (3/2019)
Increasing speed with Compressed Sensing, Simultaneous Multi-Slice, or BioMatrix; new technologies such as MR Fingerprinting; or flawless workflow with GO Technologies or syngo Virtual Cockpit – the articles in this ISMRM issue give proof of Jürgen Hennig’s expectation that “we can expect many more (radical) developments in MR in the years to come”.
Quick Links
- Learn more about MR Fingerprinting
- Download Sandra Winsor’s DICOM files
- Learn more about Chest MRI at www.siemens.com/lung-mri
- Quantitative whole-body MRI protocols, step-by-step videos and much more
- Everything you always wanted to know about SMS
- Everything you always wanted to know about Compressed Sensing

SPR Edition – Issue 73 (2/2019)
Download complete edition
Editorial Comment by Guest Editor Professor Paolo Tomà (Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy)
Challenges of pediatric MRI include anatomical, developmental, physiological, and behavioral issues. From coils and BioMatrix Sensors to non-contrast fast acquisition techniques all the way to improving patient experience this dedicated issue of MAGNETOM Flash presents ideas to improve diagnosis and care.
Quick Links
- Download optimized pediatric protocols from renowned experts in pediatric MRI
- Download GOBrain protocol
- .edx files, step-by-step videos and more on quantitiative whole-body MRI
- Access the .avi files of 4D Flow
- Access the .avi files of TWIST MRA
- Everything you always wanted to know about SMS
- Everything you always wanted to know about Compressed Sensing

SCMR Edition – Issue 72 (1/2019)
Download interactive, clickable PDF
Time consuming and difficult CMRI examinations only for cooperative patients in regular sinus rhythm are a thing of the past. With Compressed Sensing, the BioMatrix BeatSensor, Dot Engines and other technological advances, the simple, rapid CMR protocol even for patients who cannot hold their breath at all or have severe arrhythmia is now available. Several articles in this SCMR issue of MAGNETOM Flash show how to improve access to care while increasing productivity.

RSNA Edition – Issue 71 (2/2018)
Download interactive, clickable PDF
High-speed acquisition techniques and BioMatrix make MRI available for all patient groups and allow for highly standardized and robust examinations. Ensuring that every patient fits is one aspect, but fast, free-breathing imaging, quiet, short bore systems, tiltable coils etc. ensure that patient’s feel comfortable and can be positioned comfortably. Read about new techniques in the RSNA edition of MAGNETOM Flash.
Quick Links
- Download CAIPIRINHA SPACE protocols
- Download GOKnee protocols, courtesy of Jan Fritz, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, USA
- Access the animated gif of fetal cardiac MRI
- Learn more about MR Fingerprinting
- Everything you always wanted to know about SMS
- Get your free copy of the PI-RADS 2 poster courtesy of Heinz-Peter Schlemmer et al. German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany

ISMRM Edition – Issue 70 (1/2018)
Download complete Edition
Download an interactive, clickable PDF
Every health system struggles with rising costs and varying quality. Read how your colleagues around the world turn today's challenges into opportunities by:
Expanding precision medicine with BioMatrix technology for adaptive, reproducible and profitable imaging as shown by Hancock and Attenberger. But also by driving precision oncology for response assessment or RT planning as described by Petralia, McGuire and Thorwarth.
Transforming care delivery with fast imaging in many clinical circumstances e.g. with Compressed Sensing 3D SPACE MRCP or Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine.
Improving patient experience with imaging tailored to the patient, free-breathing examinations, and shorter examination times – themes that run through this ISMRM issue.
Quick Links
- Listen to the talks presented at the 10th MAGNETOM World Summit
- Download 1.5T and 3T protocols for quantitative whole-body MRI
- Watch the video tutorial on step-by-step whole-body MRI
- Watch the clips on 4D-Flow in congenital heart disease
- Learn more about Compressed Sensing
- Learn more about Simultaneous Multi-Slice
- Everything you always wanted to know about MR Fingerprinting
- Interested in MR in Radiation Therapy? Download MRI protocols and learn more

BioMatrix and syngo MR XA software line special issue (ECR 2018)
Reprinted in parts from the ECR 2017 issue
Welcome MAGNETOM Sola, our newest 1.5T open-bore 70 cm system and the first 1.5T system with BioMatrix technology. Check out the image gallery in this special issue of MAGNETOM Flash and read how BioMatrix technology reduces unwarranted variations. For example, with in-bore head motion tracking with the Kineticor Sensor, or by accelerating MSK imaging with Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE.

RSNA Edition – Issue 69 (3/2017)
This issue contains numerous examples how you can achieve better outcomes at lower cost by expanding precision medicine, transforming care delivery and improving patient experience.
Padhani and Dalili show how quantitative whole-body MRI with DWI improves accuracy and advances therapy results by making it possible to positively assess therapy success while bringing objectivity to response assessments using ADC measurements and histograms.
Multi-parametric prostate MRI prior to fist biopsy tansforms care delivery since it may help to reduce unnecessary biopsies in 30% of patients and may reduce the rate of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Harisinghani and colleagues present a rapid prostate exam that contains all clinically relevant and PI-RADS v2 conform contrasts.
Metal artifact reduction sequences close a gap in clinical management in allowing the evaluation of sensory and deep intra-pelvic nerves of patients with a pelvic peripheral nerve injury in the post-operative setting. Fritz and Ahlawat describe the evaluation of the lumbosacral plexus in patients with metallic implants and share their protocol for MAGNETOM Aera, 1.5T.
Quick Links
- Read Imaging of the Pancreas: Technique and Clinical Applications (pdf) 8.13 MB
- Download the .exar1 protocol for 1.5T whole-body MRI and watch the how-to guide video
- Download the MET-RADS-P template form (pdf) 0.32 MB
- Download the short body compostion protocols for 1.5 and 3T
- Download the protocol for metal artifact reduction MRN
- Download GOBrain and GOBrain+ protocols
- Watch the videos describing FLAIR Fusion in Multiple Sclerosis follow-up
- Order your free copy of the PI-RADS 2 Poster

ISMRM Edition – Issue 68
“Precision Medicine and Adaptive Technologies in Medical Imaging” by Guest Editor Konstantin Nikolaou, M.D. (University Hospital Tübingen, Germany)
The articles in this issue cover fast and reproducible MRI with GOBrain, SMS and Compressed Sensing e.g. in population studies such as the UK Biobank. Another focus is precision medicine in oncological MRI especially whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging and treatment response assessment. In the technology chapter you’ll learn about prospective in-bore motion corrections and find an overview of the development of Connectome gradients.
Quick Links
- Learn more about BodyMatrix and adaptive technologies
- Download the MET-RADS-P template form (pdf) 0.32 MB
- Watch how quantitative whole-body MRI is used to monitor therapy response
- Download GOBrain and GOBrain+ protocols
- Download T1 BLADE shoulder protocol for MAGNETOM Skyra 3T
- Order your free copy of the PI-RADS 2 Poster

MAGNETOM Vida and BioMatrix special issue (ECR 2017)
„Precision medicine and adaptive technologies in medical imaging“ by Guest Editor Konstantin Nikolaou, M.D. (Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Eberhard-Karl-University in Tuebingen, Germany)
A number of innovative MR technologies is discussed in this edition of MAGNETOM Flash. For example, dedicated acceleration techniques implementing Compressed Sensing (GRASP-VIBE) to enable dynamic, free-breathing liver examinations in one comprehensive scan by the push of button and for every patient, making breath-holds and complex timing of several dynamic contrast phases unnecessary. Optimized shimming technologies such as CoilShim, one of the BioMatrix Tuners, homogenize the static magnetic field and significantly improve fat saturation and signal exploitation, e.g., in DWI of body regions difficult to image, such as the neck. SliceAdjust as an effective method to reduce susceptibility effects in whole-body DWI at 3T. Automatization of whole-body MR examinations, e.g. the Whole-Body Dot Engine, will significantly reduce overall imaging time, increase patient comfort and will potentially change our use of MRI, e.g., for an increased implementation of whole-body tumor staging. In cardiac imaging, implementation of highly accelerated real-time sequences will preserve diagnostic image quality even in challenging scenarios, such as in arrhythmic patients. Finally, complete free-breathing cardiac examinations will become possible.

SCMR Edition – Issue 67
"CMR a routine tool for clinical decision-making and an exciting research instrument. The non-invasive chance to improve the understanding of cardiology“ by Guest Editor Jeanette Schulz-Menger, M.D. (University Medicine Berlin, Charité Campus Buch, HELIOS Clinics Berlin Buch, Germany)
The articles in this issue focus on reliable and efficient CMR examinations that are easy for your patients. With cookbook-like approaches to improve image quality and an outlook on new technologies, such as Compressed Sensing or 4D Flow or PSIR with Respiratory Motion Corrected Averaging you will read about many aspects of cardiovascular MRI.

RSNA Edition – Issue 66
„Modern Radiology from a Private Practice Perspective“ by Guest Editor Henrik Michaely, M.D., Ph.D. (Diagnostische Gemeinschaftspraxis Karlstrasse, Karlsruhe, Germany)
Balancing an extremely high workload with improved patient experience and strictly controlling costs while providing high-quality studies is a challenge. This issue presents a number of technologies such as fast, motion insensitive imaging or robust and standardized workflows that help you meet the challenge.

Compressed Sensing Supplement
Compressed Sensing (CS) facilitates rapid MR imaging by exploiting the compressibility of medical images. This exciting new method has the potential to accelerate MRI beyond what is possible with any other method. The successful utilization of Compressed Sensing is a team play of data acquisition and image reconstruction. Read the articles in this dedicated Supplement to learn how it works.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 65
„The Rapid Imaging Renaissance“ by guest Editor Daniel K. Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D. (Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Radiology / Director, Bernard & Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging / Principal Investigator, Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
The articles in this issue focus on advancing imaging speed. This includes streamlined workflow (see clinical protocol optimization with GOBrain, the Whole-Body Dot Engine for combined chest, abdomen, and pelvis exams or workflow improvements with Fit-Upgrades), it also includes fast, motion-insensitive imaging (such as FREEZEit in pediatric lung MRI, parotid tumor imaging with GRASP or cardiac DTI). But also efficient multiparametric imaging, whether for diagnostics or for guidance of therapeutic interventions (see the introduction to MR Fingerprinting, fast and non-invasive characterization of suspicious breast lesions, or the prediction of treatment response in rectal cancer).

SCMR Edition – Issue 64
Quantification, speed and new applications in the field of cardiovascular MRI are the highlights of this issue. CMR is becoming fully quantitative, as evidenced by the rapid development of mapping techniques quantifying T1 and T2 relaxation and allowing the calculation of extracellular volume. Several cases in this issue demonstrate its clinical value. The increase in speed is due to faster and more patient friendly navigator sequences and to developments in parallel imaging. The greater speed allows transferring imaging methods to the heart, which were previously reserved for non-moving structures e.g. DTI. Novel sequences utilize contrast better than previous methods, as highlighted by the articles on QISS MRA.

Simultaneous Multi-Slice Supplement
„The SMS Revolution“ by guest editor Peter Jezzard, Ph.D. (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB), Oxford, UK)
Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) is an exciting new technique that speeds up imaging and circumvents the SNR loss associated with conventional parallel imaging (iPAT) techniques such as SENSE and GRAPPA. This issue covers all topics from technical details to clinical and research applications. Read articles from the developers of this technique (M. Griswold, K. Ugurbil, L. Wald) for technical details on SMS. Leading clinicians and scientists around the world share their clinical and research experiences with SMS Diffusion and BOLD in neuroimaging (A. Bartsch, C. Eichner, R. Hoge, K. Miller, T. Shepherd, S. Smith, E. Yacoub,) and beyond, to orthopedics, body, cardiology, and pediatric imaging (G. Andreisek, H. Chandarana, C. Mekkaouri, D. Staeb). This issue also provides a vision into the expansion of SMS to fast and high-resolution anatomical imaging with SMS TSE (J. Cui, J. Ellermann, M. Kean, S. Kralik) and more advanced diffusion techniques with SMS RESOLVE (R. Frost, D. Porter, V. Runge).

RSNA Edition – Issue 63
Reducing examination time to become more cost-effective while increasing patient comfort and thus compliance – read about a potential new strategy in MRI in the Spotlight. In this issue you will also find a number of How-I-do-it articles e.g. on Neurovascular imaging with T1 SPACE and Dot; or on computed b-value images with syngo.via. Non-contrast tissue characterization with T1 and T2 mapping as well as non-contrast MR angiography with QISS are presented in various case reports.

ISMRM Edition – Issue 62
Editorial by Michael Schaaf, Head of the Technology and Research Department MR at Siemens Healthcare
This issue features a number of articles that focus on delivering high quality services in less time and at acceptable prices:
• Fast and reproducible imaging (20% more examinations with fit-Upgrades or streamlined workflow with the new Dot Cockpit)
• Efficient multiparametric and simultaneous multimodality imaging for diagnostics and for therapy monitoring (comprehensive liver fat quantification in a single breath-hold; 3T prostate MRI, multi-delay ASL perfusion in Moyamoya disease or mMR for staging and treatment decision in Klatskin’s tumor)
• Multidimensional dynamic imaging (4D-MRI of moving targets) and guidance of therapeutic interventions (Radiotherapy planning of Head & Neck Ca. or MR-only planning for prostate radiation therapy)

SCMR/EuroCMR Edition – Issue 61
A significant part of this issue is dedicated to myocardial parameter mapping (native T1 and extracellular volume fraction, ECV), new methods that have brought a new dimension to non-invasive myocardial tissue characterization. But there is also a focus on How-I-do-it: Improving CMR efficiency with the Cardiac Dot Engine; Significantly reduced post-processing time with syngo.via MR Cardiac Analysis; Reliable routine CMR imaging with a 1.5T MAGNETOM ESSENZA. The CMR Spotlight introduces the MUST project where structural and functional changes in myocardial and skeletal muscles, induced by ultra-endurance running, are detected.

RSNA Edition – Issue 60
Guest editor Jeong Min Lee, M.D. (Soul National University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea)
This RSNA issue presents a mixture of recent advances in MRI technology and clinically relevant articles: Read about GRASP, the next step in abdominopelvic MRI; Learn why proton MRI of the lungs and pleura is especially pertinent to patients with long life expectancies; See that multiparametric MRI is valuable also for musculoskeletal applications; and read how to improve the efficiency as well as the safety of cardiac MRI. The overview of the spectrum of demyelinating disorders and their typical and atypical imaging findings will be especially relevant to your daily clinical practice and we are sure that you will enjoy the history of 30 years of innovation at Siemens.

Oncology Edition - Issue 59
The articles in this issue cover many aspects of cancer care from early cancer detection and localization using RESOLVE, FREEZEit and multiparametric MRI, to accurate workup of disease extent. Read about the advances in minimally invasive tumor ablation and in image guided radiotherapy. Treatment monitoring is another challenging area in cancer care. See how whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI helps to positively assess therapy effectiveness even when morphology is unhelpful. This issue of MAGNETOM Flash is full of examples where MRI is being developed to meet clinical needs of cancer patients.
Quick Links
- Further articles and clinical talks on Radiation Therapy
- Listen to the talks given during the 9th MAGNETOM World Summit
- Download MR Neurography protocols for MAGNETOM Verio and MAGNETOM Skyra provided by Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Order your free copy of the PI-RADS Scoring Image Atlas (15. Prostate MRI)

ISMRM Edition – Issue 58
Guest editor Elmar Merkle, M.D. (University Hospital Basel, Switzerland)
In this issue of MAGNETOM Flash you will read about exciting developments in the field of abdominal imaging: Efficient workflow for quantifying hepatic lipid and iron deposition; imaging liver metastasis with TWIST-VIBE, or assessing renal allograft function with DTI and Tractography.
But there is more: Upgrading MAGNETOM Trio to MAGNETOM Prismafit; APT for differential diagnosis of high grade gliomas; Improved joint diagnostics using a RESTORE pulse; Optimized spine imaging; Kawasaki Disease on CMRI; or MR Elastography to estimate myocardial stiffness, to name just a few.
Quick Links

Pediatric SPR Edition – Issue 57
Guest editor Michael Ditchfield, M.D. (Monash Children’s and Monash University, Clayton, Australia)
MRI has undergone a major revolution over recent years with higher field strength, sequences that overcome SAR issues and suppress motion artifacts, parallel imaging, 3D imaging and improved coil technology. The combination of these techniques and a better appreciation of the needs of children and how to improve their capacity to cooperate has expanded the role of MRI in pediatrics. This issue of MAGNETOM Flash showcases many of these exciting new techniques from renowned experts and demonstrates how they have been applied both to clinical pediatric imaging and in research.

SCMR Edition – Issue 56
Guest editor Orlando P. Simonetti, Ph.D. (The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA)
The three new technologies of myocardial parameter mapping, CMR-PET, and compressed sensing discussed in this issue represent some
of the most exciting recent advances in CMR. They offer the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of CMR, and to expand the information CMR can provide to physicians to better diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease.

RSNA Edition – Issue 55
Guest editor Mustafa R. Bashir, M.D. (Duke University, Durham, NC, USA)
MRI is under pressure to demonstrate consistent examination quality, despite increasing use in challenging populations, such as the obese and those with diminished breath-holding capacity. The articles in the RSNA issue introduce fast imaging techniques for body, cardiovascular and stroke imaging, but also focus on the comfortable MRI experience by discussing methods to reduce acoustic noise.

ASTRO Edition - Issue 54
In this issue you will find exciting examples from the broad spectrum of oncological MRI applications. Using clinical examples, renowned experts demonstrate the potential of multiparametric MRI, whole-body MRI and MR-PET and how functional MRI parameters can be used in radiation therapy planning.
In addition, the possibilities of intelligent IT concepts for reporting and workflow optimization are illustrated.

MR Angiography Edition – Issue 531
Non-contrast-enhanced MR Angiography; coronary MRA; maximizing image quality for ce 3D MRA applications in pediatric patients; clinical routine MRA with MAGNETOM Aera and the Angio Dot Engine; tips and caveats for contrast-enhanced MRA – the MR Angiography edition of MAGNETOM Flash has it all.

ISMRM Edition - Issue 521
The ISMRM issue of MAGNETOM Flash has it all:
Clinically relevant articles on therapy monitoring, quantification and emergency MRI. How-I-do-it articles on Bandwidth, faster abdominal MRI or MSK imaging with loop coils. News on syngo MR D13 for MAGNETOM Aera, syngo ZOOMit and pTX. Future outlooks with imaging and spectroscopy at 9.4T, Sodium imaging or Thermometry.

SCMR Edition - Issue 511
Cardiovascular MR imaging particularly benefits from fast imaging. Read about different techniques to see more with higher resolution (compressed sensing and CAIPIRINHA), to do more with shorter scan times (radial GRAPPA) and to maximize efficiency and improve consistency with Siemens' Tim & Dot technology.

RSNA Edition - Issue 50
Guest editor John A. Carrino, M.D., M.P.H. (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA)
This issue of MAGNETOM Flash focuses on musculoskeletal MR imaging. It contains a variety of technical and clinical information spanning the spectrum of bone, joint and soft tissue topics, DWI of bone marrow, functional cartilage imaging, all the way to 7T applications in MSK.

Neurography Supplement to Issue 50
Guest editor Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA)
The MR Neurography Supplement to the RSNA issue of MAGNETOM Flash covers different aspects of the peripheral nervous system from spinal cord to peripheral nerves. Latest 2D and 3D techniques in practice and future directions in both anatomic and functional domains of peripheral nerve imaging are addressed in detail.

ISMRM Edition - Issue 491
Higher acceleration with CAIPIRINHA; quantification with myocardial T1-mapping; cervical spine imaging with SPACE DIR; MR Elastography indications and challenges; Biograph mMR body imaging; first experiences with 3T MAGNETOM Spectra; technical and practical aspects of TimTX TrueShape and syngo ZOOMit; TOF at 7T - the ISMRM issue of MAGNETOM Flash has it all.

RSNA Edition - Issue 48
Read how to configure the Knee Dot Engine, find imaging protocols for cartilage MRI with 3D DESS, learn how to do cerebral MRS at 1.5T and 3T, or read about the clinical reality of Biograph mMR at the University Hospital of Tuebingen. This and much more is covered in the RSNA issue of MAGNETOM Flash.

Pediatric Imaging - Issue 47
Profound introductions to pediatric and fetal MRI. 112 pages of highly educational articles and case studies covering all clinical aspects e.g. renal function, neuro-infections, urography, congenital heart MRI to name just a few.

ISMRM Edition - Issue 461
First clinical application of molecular MRI, towards clinical 7T MRI and clinical MRI of the lung - besides trendsetting topics this issue of MAGNETOM Flash also covers MSK case reports, how-I-do-it articles on long bone imaging, and the latest on fat saturation and Diffusion-weighted imaging.

RSNA Edition - Issue 45
Routine and pediatric case reports show the impact of 3T + open bore in MSK imaging; MAGNETOM Aera in pediatric tumor staging using DWI; how standard routine usage of syngo SWI replaces existing imaging. The issue also includes articles on liver imaging with syngo MR B17 and how to use the Tim Planning Suite for whole spine examinations.

Research Supplement to Issue 451
The research supplement of MAGNETOM Flash bundles articles which provide you with an insight into the advances in functional MRI with special focus on oncology and the development of hybrid imaging (MR/PET). One main aspect is certainly the development of biomarkers and surrogates to understand processes like angiogenesis and hypoxia within tumor tissue, to guide therapy in a most efficient and patient-centric way.

Cardiovascular Edition - Issue 441
The new cardiovascular issue of MAGNETOM Flash presents interesting new data on CMR imaging, the SCMR recommended protocols on CD, application tips on low-dose ceMRA with syngo TWIST and news on perfusion imaging and stroke to name just a few of the exciting articles in this sequel to MAGNETOM Flash #36.

Body Imaging at 7T, ISMRM Edition - Issue 431
With now more than 20 UHF systems (7T and above) worldwide, Siemens makes a major contribution to the technical and clinical development in MRI. Each new issue of MAGNETOM Flash provides detailed proof of the clinical advantage achieved by new technologies e.g. BLADE in Pediatric imaging, assessment of treatment response of liver tumors, MSK case reports.

Clinical Workflow Issue, RSNA Edition - Issue 42
Increased scanning speed and up to 50% higher clinical throughput - in the Workflow issue of MAGNETOM Flash MAGNETOM users show how they improve their daily clinical routine using the DOT Engines, Tim Upgrades and new software applications.

Oncology Issue, ASTRO/ESTRO Edition - Issue 41
Focused on oncology, this issue shows the potential of MRI for detection and follow-up of malignancies including comprehensive imaging techniques such as diffusion-weighted MRI and its further developments. This issue includes in-depth descriptions of industry-unique applications that are new with software version syngo MR B17.

3T Special Issue, ISMRM Edition - Issue 40
This 3T special issue presents case reports from most areas of radiology, articles e.g. on 3T in pediatrics, and a comprehensive technology section.

RSNA Edition - Issue 39 (November 2008)
Routine and pediatric case reports showing the benefits of the new 32-channel head coil. DWI and DTI for the evaluation of brain tumors. Workflow improvement and application tips. And much more.

Neurology - Issue 38 (April 2008)
This issue is dedicated to Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL), the only noninvasive MR imaging technique which allows the study of the relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Besides Highly Parallel Detection for MRI, an interventional article on Radiofrequency Ablation, and Dynamic Time Resolved large FoV 3D MRA is part of this issue.

Women's Health - Issue 37 (April 2008)
This issue contains state-of-the-art breast imaging techniques, including spectroscopy and diffusion. Furthermore, case studies from different body regions such as abdomen and pelvis, neurology, cardiovascular, and orthopedics have been chosen to complement this issue.

Cardiovascular MRI - Issue 36 (November 2007)1
This dedicated issue is a comprehensive but compact “textbook” on CMR, by authors who are opinion leaders in their respective fields. It aims at beginners and experts and provides up-to-date content about the CMR in clinical routine. Still it is so concise that it can be read during a weekend.

ISMRM Edition - Issue 35

Supplement to Issue 35

RSNA Edition - Issue 34

Supplement to Issue 34

ESMRMB Edition - Issue 33

ECR Edition - Issue 32

MEDICA Edition - Issue 31

ISMRM Edition - Issue 30

RSNA Edition - Issue 29

Summit to Issue 29

ISMRM Edition - Issue 28