If you need pediatric protocols but do not yet have the Deep Resolve technology, please go to:
Head, spine, pelvis, and lower Extremities protocols
For 1.5T MAGNETOM Sola (syngo MR XA51)

Scanning Faster: Application in Pediatric Neuroimaging
Michael Kean, Chief MR Technologist at The Royal Children’s Hospital / Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia

Michael Kean, FISMRT
Chief MR Technologist Children’s MRI and PET Centre, Department of Medical Imaging
Honorary Fellow, Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital
Flemington Road
Brain and spine protocols
Imaging protocols courtesy of Arastoo Vossough, M.D., Ph.D. (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA).
Dr. Vossough is an adult and pediatric neuroradiologist in the Department of Radiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He holds the Larissa T Bilaniuk Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neuroradiology Research.
MSK protocols
Imaging protocols courtesy of Bac Nguyen, BSc. Bac Nguyen is Lead MRI Radiographer at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway.
He publishes pearls & pitfalls on MRI on his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@Nguyen_MRI.

Bac Nguyen, BSc
Senior MRI radiographer
Sognsvannsveien 20
0372, Oslo