Up to 50% Time Savings in 3D ImagingWith Siemens-unique CAIPIRINHA SPACE


Do you consider five to six minutes acquisition time for an isotropic 3D neuro scan borderline or too long for daily clinical routine? Are you not considering 3D techniques in musculoskeletal imaging since the acquisition time is even longer here? Are your abdominal MRI scans exceeding the planned exam slot due to endless triggering of MRCP scans in patients with long or irregular breathing cycles?

Here is the solution: up to 50% time savings in 3D imaging with CAIPIRINHA SPACE.

CAIPIRINHA is a Siemens-unique acceleration technique, which is part of the standard configuration for many Tim4G systems and now can also be used to accelerate 3D imaging with SPACE. For every contrast and every orientation.