A time-optimized workflow for Primovist® liver MRI

The presented workflow makes better use of the time between the dynamic and liver-specific phases by

  • shifting the time-intensive acquisition of high-resolution T2-weighted images and diffusion-weighted images to after the contrast injection, and by
  • shortening the delay between contrast dynamics and the acquisition of hepatobiliary phase images.

These imaging protocols allow to perform a complete Primovist liver examination in a 30-minute exam slot.

Standard protocol set for Primovist liver MRI on syngo MR E11C systems, without further requirements regarding software licenses. Two strategies (exhalation and inhalation) are provided.

Strategy using advanced Abdomen Dot Engine features such as automated slice positioning, auto coverage and automated bolus timing for syngo MR E11C systems. The Abdomen Dot license is required to use this strategy.

Read the How-I-do-it article on fast and efficient liver imaging with Primovist/Eovist

How-I-do-it: Fast and efficient liver imaging with Primovist®/Eovist®

Gregor Thörmer, Ph.D. et al., Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany

Benefits of Accelerated MRI in Daily Routine

Benefits of Accelerated MR Imaging in Daily Routine

Val M. Runge et al., Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland

Automated Fast Liver MR Scan: A Preliminary Evaluation

Automated Fast Liver MR Scan: A Preliminary Evaluation

Jianping Lu et al., Changhai Hospital of Shanghai, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China

Iron Quantification with LiverLab

Iron Quantification with LiverLab

Stephan Kannengiesser, Siemens Healthineers, MR Oncology Applications, Erlangen, Germany

MR LiverLab

MR LiverLab

Robert Sellers, RT(R)(MR)(CT), Siemens Healthineers, Cary, NC, USA